Happy By The Sea


I’ve done it. I’ve managed to pack up my life into nine boxes, say goodbye to my family and friends, move to Doha and complete a week of work all in a week and a half! God is certainly good, isn’t he?

Week one as a single lady in the Middle East has been a whirlwind. I have processed very little and I am well into spending my entire first day off in bed sipping tea, mesmerized by my view of the sea. I am a bit glazed over wondering how I got here but so happy to blink and still be where I am. The twists and turns of life are marvelous. I hope to spend my days here with my palms up, open to receiving the little gifts each day brings.

Complaining is a part time job for some folks who live here and I am making it a pledge to not fall into that myself. Is everything a bit more difficult? Yes, but it’s also that much sweeter. It’s like camp for adults. Some kids cry the entire time and only talk about ‘home’ and some kids learn to climb the trees and make life-long friends out of total strangers. I want to be willing to get scraped knees and smelly clothes to build a life that’s worth telling stories about in a decade. As it was to come over here, happiness is also a choice.

I have dreamed of this week for most of my life and the fact that I get to live this life now blows my mind. Following your dreams is a real thing, people. It takes a solid chunk of time, a decent wad of cash and weeks of lonely days but it is absolutely worth it. The challenge to achieve something you once could only think of is riveting. It’s a rush that I have grown addicted to. I want to stay hungry. Even when I’m 35.

It is true that I might stumble for trying to do too much too soon,

but it is also certain that I will never succeed if I hope for too little

or, out of fear of failing, start nothing at all. -Teresa of Avila

The drive and the adventure has to stem from happiness. I don’t want anything to do with this if I am an old grump low on love and desperate for joy. Most of this week has been me preaching to myself encouraging me to spend those extra minutes in the stillness of the morning with my palms up, sinking deeper into a happiness that I could never create on my own. I want to be free to receive gifts from above to help me see the strands of happiness in the life around me.

I am such a thankful lady. I am infinitely thankful for you. I am thankful for this chance at the greatest adventure of my life. Part of the drive to get here was to see if I could even do it. Now it is time to do it well.

If life is a choice then I choose to be happy, right here by the sea.

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